The price of Bitcoin may be in a downward trend, but the number of things you can buy with the world's premier crypto-currency most certainly is not.
We're speaking to that first-hand — since launching Spendabit just over a month ago, we have added well over fifty new Bitcoin-accepting merchants to our roster, and the number of products we index has soared from around 1.5-million to well over 2.5-million. We anticipate passing the 3-million mark within weeks.
Our new merchants come in all shapes and sizes — new additions include teeny-tiny sellers like Gotham Cookies and hundreds-of-thousands of new listings from Newegg; and the assortment of goods includes everything from fun stickers to the precious metals. Also worth mention is the popular, pop-rock band Guster — we won't be shy in recommending their album Keep It Together!
Our list probably wouldn't be complete without mentioning products from the store of (the always-controversial) Alex Jones. Love him or hate him, we see his endorsement of Bitcoin as a significant development; it would appear to represent a growing warmth from a demographic that has hitherto been very skeptical of Bitcoin.
We also want to mention to our friends in Australia, Europe, and pretty much everywhere else, region support is in the works. Though our Bitcoin Product Search is largely oriented towards things for sale in and shipping to North America (and especially the U.S.), this is changing. Bitcoin is a worldwide phenomenon, and we recognize that! Expect to have something to play with soon.
In closing, it may be hard to stomach a 25-percent price decline in just a month, but we're still optimistic this isn't the end of the crypto-currency revolution.