The Spendabit Search API is a simple, JSON-based interface to the Spendabit search engine. All calls to the API are made via the following API Endpoint (base URL):
If you're adventurous you can effectively “discover” all the functionality of the API by observing the functionality of the standard, HTML-based interface, as accessible from our homepage — almost all query variables share the same names and accept the same values. But if you prefer it by the book, read on. :-)
Every request to the Spendabit Search API must include the query-variable q
specifying the keyword(s) which the client wishes to match on. For example, to search
for all products matching the keyword chocolate, you would issue an HTTP
request to the following URL:
Below is a hypothetical JSON-formatted result-set:
{ "products": [{ "name": "Spicy Hot Chocolate", "merchantName": "Square Market", "url": "https://spendabit.co/product/squaremarket/spicy-hot-chocolate?q=chocolate", "thumbnailURL": "https://d2isyty7gbnm74.cloudfront.net/5WUzQvBvbarJBPiWWAhNXUtP8II=/276x276/square-production.s3.amazonaws.com/files/863d0fc21ea43950ed9e0e1d58ce24e1d7a5895a/original.jpeg", "priceAsString": "$1.50", "priceUSD": 1.5 }, { "name": "INSTEN Anti-glare Screen Protector for LG Chocolate Touch VX8575", "merchantName": "Overstock.com", "url": "https://spendabit.co/product/overstock/6580708?q=chocolate", "thumbnailURL": "http://cdn.overstock.com/images/products/6580708/79/172/BasAcc-Anti-Glare-Screen-Protector-for-LG-Chocolate-Touch-VX8575-P14155318.jpg", "priceAsString": "$1.49", "priceUSD": 1.49 }] }
Assuming a query returns more than 60 results, you can “paginate” using
the query-variable offset
specifying a multiple of 60 (our default page-size) as the value (e.g. 60,
120, 180, etc).
For example, to access page three of the products matching the
keyword chocolate, you would issue an HTTP GET
to the following URL:
The Spendabit Search API presently supports filtering products by merchant and by price. Both of these are outlined below.
Each JSON response-object includes, alongside the array of products
set of filterOptions
. The structure of this field looks something like
the following:
"filterOptions": [ { "type": "price", "options": [ { "label": "$0.01 – $32.99", "labelAbbr": "$0.01 – $32.99", "queryVar": "price", "value": "0.01-32.99", "url": "https://spendabit.co/api/v0/go?q=jacket&price=0.01-32.99" }, { "label": "$33.39 – $49.99", "labelAbbr": "$33.39 – $49.99", "queryVar": "price", "value": "33.39-49.99", "url": "https://spendabit.co/api/v0/go?q=jacket&price=33.39-49.99" }, { "label":"$49.99 – $94.99", "labelAbbr": "$49.99 – $94.99", "queryVar":"price", "value":"49.99-94.99", "url":"https://spendabit.co/api/v0/go?q=jacket&price=49.99-94.99" }, { "label": "$94.99 – $150,000", "labelAbbr": "$94.99 – $150,000", "queryVar": "price", "value": "94.99-150000.00", "url": "https://spendabit.co/api/v0/go?q=jacket&price=94.99-150000.00" } ] }, { "type": "merchant", "options": [ { "label": "DinoDirect", "labelAbbr": "DinoDirect", "queryVar": "merchant", "value": "dinodirect", "url": "https://spendabit.co/api/v0/go?q=jacket&merchant=dinodirect" }, { "label": "Newegg", "labelAbbr": "Newegg", "queryVar": "merchant", "value": "newegg", "url": "https://spendabit.co/api/v0/go?q=jacket&merchant=newegg" }, { "label": "Survival Camping Store", "labelAbbr": "Survival Camping ...", "queryVar": "merchant", "value": "survivalcampingstore", "url": "https://spendabit.co/api/v0/go?q=jacket&merchant=survivalcampingstore" } ] } ]
Assuming you have a parsed JSON object (in variable r
), you could access
the filter-by-merchant options like this:
opts = r.filterOptions.filter( function(e) { return e.type == 'merchant'; } )[0].options
Then you could, for example, construct a string naming all the merchants like this:
opts.map(function(o) { return o.label; }).join(', ');
Each option also contains a url
to save you the trouble of constructing
one yourself. E.g., opts[1].url
might give you something like this:
Filtering results by price is done via the query-variable
. Specify a price-range using a low value and a high,
value separated by a hyphen, and in terms of dollars (USD). For example, to see all products
matching the keyword chocolate that cost less than 50 dollars,
use the following URL:
You also have the option of filtering results by merchant.
This is done using the query-variable
, specifying the ID of the merchant in question.
For example, to see all products matching chocolate for
the merchant with the ID bitcoffee,
the following URL would be used:
You can also filter on multiple merchants at once. For example the following URL would additionally give back results for merchant store.bitcoin.com:
If you want to process data returned by the API directly in the web-browser
using JavaScript, then you'll likely have to work around browser enforcement of the
same-origin policy.
This can be done by passing an extra callback
parameter when making API calls,
so the result is returned as